Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cupcake - 5

Okat here is number 5 and it was so much fun to make.  I'm grateful that my husband has been so helpful to me.

The ribbon is green no yellow.  It matches the green in the cupcake. i love making the cupcake and it was so fun using my good friends E2.  She came over to use it and learn as much as she could so she let me make this cupcake from one of the cartridges that was down loaded on her machine.  I'm so sorry but i don't remember which one it was and it's not here to see.  She let me play on it for a while and now I want of these so bad so i hope they aren't gone for good.

Remember this was number 5 so we still have 4 more to go so stay turned for them. Don't forget to view all 6 of them.


Donna Scrapp'n Nana



want to look, I would love you too.

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