Friday, April 29, 2011

Our Wonderful Family

These are pictures of our children and Grandchildren. We want them to know that they mean the world to us. Our son and his children and our daughter in law with the same children.
This is Our Son and his three children. I need to tell you a story of the beard on our son face. We have a very special friend and his name is Dr. Steven Neal. He is a famous painter and he asked our son to grow his beard so that he can draw and then paint a picture of his face. He want's our son face to have a Jesus beard so he is growing it out and before the end of the year he will have it looking just like the wants it. We feel that is so special that he would want our son to do that for his painting.

Addyson Jean is the oldest one, Jacob Ross, then Brooklyn Chelsea Marie is our very youngest and the apple of her family eyes. She is one very speical little girl.
This is our daughter and she has two children but one is living with his father and the little girl is living with her and our new son in law will legally adopt her in a few months also she will let the fathers new wife adopt her son. So in a couple of months Desirea Marie will have a new last name. She is so afraid of her real father cause he has hurt her and she doesn't want to see him and California has stepped in to protect her and now she never has to see him again.

This is another great picture of our daughter and her little family. Their daughter will be the only child they will have. Her heart is so bad that they can't take a chance on her having another baby. Her first husband didn't care and wanted her to have them anyhow because he wanted her to die so he could raise them on his own, with his mommy. Yes he is a mommy boy. Now he won't be in her life and not his daughters also. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers.

Donna Scrapp'n Nana
want to look, I would love you too.

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